JTAG interface


The max TCK frequency for all XC9500 family devices is 10MHz.


The IR is 8 bits long. The following instructions exist:

















XC9500XL/XV only







XC9500XL/XV only










XC9500 revision 2 and up only




XC9500XL/XV only




XC9500 only




XC9500XL/XV only













XC9500XL/XV only













The IR status is:

  • bit 0: const 1

  • bit 1: const 0

  • bit 2: WRITE_PROT status

  • bit 3: READ_PROT status

  • bit 4: ISP mode enabled

  • bit 5: DONE status (XC9500XV only, const 0 on other devices)

  • bits 6-7: const 0

Note that the protection and DONE status is latched when the device is reset and when ISPEX is executed — when erasing or programming the fuses, the new settings won’t take effect before exiting the ISP mode.


The IDCODE for XC9500* devices can be determined as follows:

  • bits 0-11: vendor code, 0x093

  • bits 12-19: number of FBs in the device encoded as BCD

  • bits 20-27: device kind

    • 0x95: XC9500

    • 0x96: XC9500XL

    • 0x97: XC9500XV

  • bits 28-31: device revision (varies)

For XC9500, device revisions older than 2 do not support the FBULK instruction and require using FERASE.

Boundary scan register

The boundary scan register is 3 * 18 * num_fbs bits long, and consists of 3 bits for every MC in the device: input, output, and output enable. Such bits are included even for MCs that do not have a corresponding IOB.

The boundary register bit indices for FB[i].MC[j] are:

  • input: (num_fbs - 1 - i) * 18 * 3 + (17 - j) * 3 + 2

  • output: (num_fbs - 1 - i) * 18 * 3 + (17 - j) * 3 + 1

  • output enable: (num_fbs - 1 - i) * 18 * 3 + (17 - j) * 3 + 0

All bits of the register are BC_1 type cells.

Note that the “programmed ground” feature is implemented outside of the boundary scan. Thus, a macrocell with programmed ground enabled will show an output enable of 0 in INTEST, and the ground connection will not be overriden by EXTEST.

For INTEST, the output and output enable bits in boundary scan register are connected directly to the macrocell’s data and IOB_OE outputs for all macrocells, even ones that do not have an IOB.


details on the cell connection, EXTEST, INTEST semantics

ISP instructions — XC9500

ISP DR registers — XC9500

The following DR registers exist on XC9500:

  1. ISPENABLE (num_fbs + 4 bits): used to power on the flash programming circuits

    • bits 0-num_fbs - 1: when set, powers up flash access circuitry for main areas, one bit per FB

    • bit num_fbs: when set, powers up flash access circuitry for the UIM wire-AND area

    • bits num_fbs + 1 - num_fbs + 3: unknown, set to 0

  2. ISPCONFIGURATION (27 bits): used to trigger programming operations

    • bits 0-1: control

      • 0b10: trigger value, starts the operation

      • 0b11: neutral value and successful result

    • bits 2-9: data byte

    • bits 10-26: address

  3. ISPDATA (10 bits): a subset of ISPCONFIGURATION used by instructions with autoincrementing address

    • bits 0-1: control

    • bits 2-9: data byte

Programming operations are triggered when the ISPDATA or ISPCONFIGURATION register is written with the bottom two bits set to 0b10. Once the operation succeeds, the bottom two bits of the register will read as 0b11. This should be checked by the programmer.

Entering and exiting ISP mode — XC9500

Before any programming or readout can be done, the device needs to be put into ISP mode. For that purpose, the ISPEN instructions can be used. The instruction uses the ISPENABLE register, which is described above.

To enter ISP mode:

  • shift ISPEN into IR

  • shift a value into DR, setting all bits except the top 3

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 1 clock

All outputs will be put in high-Z with weak pull-ups while ISP mode is active.

To exit ISP mode:

  • shift ISPEX into IR

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 100µs

When ISP mode is exited, the device will initialize itself and start normal operation.

The reset value of ISPENABLE is:

  • bits 0 - num_fbs: set to 1

  • bits num_fbs + 1 - num_fbs + 3: set to 0

The step of shifting a value into DR above is thus optional if the default hasn’t been modified.

When read, the ISPENABLE register always returns the reset value, regardless of the actual value that was last shifted in.

Write protection — XC9500

If the device is write protected (which can be determined by reading bit 2 of IR), it cannot be written (erased or programmed) without unlocking write protection first.

To unlock write protection:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • shift FERASE or FBULK to IR

  • shift the following value to DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b10

    • bits 2-9 (data): don’t care

    • bits 10-26 (address): 0x1aa55

Once that value is shifted in, the device is unlocked, and bit 2 of IR goes to 0. However, this unlock only lasts for the duration of the current ISP mode session — once ISPEX is executed (or the device is reset), the write protection status will be reloaded from the flash.

Erasing fuses — XC9500

There are two instructions that erase fuses:

  • FERASE: erases one area at a time (either a single FB main area, or a single FB UIM wire-AND area)

  • FBULK: erases either all main areas on the device at once, or all UIM wire-AND areas at once

Note that the FBULK instruction is not supported on (rarely seen) XC9500 devices with revision older than 2.

An erase operation is triggered by the following sequence:

  1. The DR is written in one of the above opcodes with the bottom two bits set to 0b10

  2. The Run-Test/Idle state is entered

Once started, the erase operation is self-timed. The maximum programming time can be obtained from the database. When successful, the low two bits of DR will become 0b11. Note that shifting DR again before the operation is complete will abort it and return 0b00 in the low bits.


The timeout value of 1.3s present in the database is taken directly from ISE SVFs, but it appears to be too small for the two devices I (@wanda-phi) personally possess, which require a timeout of 2s. Since these devices came from random ebay listings, this may be due to age or mishandling. Still, you may want to consider using a larger timeout in your programming software.

To erase fuses:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • ensure the ISPENABLE bit corresponding to the area being erased is set

  • shift a value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b10

    • bits 2-9 (data): don’t care

    • bits 10-27 (address):

      • bits 0-11 (row, column): don’t care

      • bit 12: 0 to erase main area, 1 to erase UIM wire-AND area

      • bits 13-16:

        • for FERASE: FB index

        • for FBULK: don’t care

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least the time specified in the database for this device

  • shift a neutral value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • all other bits: don’t care

    Verify that the low 2 bits of the value shifted out are 0b11. Any other value is an error. Value 0b00 could mean that the erase was still in progress. Value 0b10 could mean that device is write protected. Other values are unknown.

Programming fuses — XC9500

Fuses are programmed a byte at a time in random-access fashion. The FPGM and FPGMI opcodes are used for programming. A program operation is triggered by the following sequence:

  1. The DR is written in one of the above opcodes with the bottom two bits set to 0b10

  2. The Run-Test/Idle state is entered

Once started, the programming operation is self-timed. The maximum programming time depends on the device and can be obtained from the database. When successful, the low two bits of DR will become 0b11. Note that shifting DR again before the operation is complete will abort it and return 0b01 in the low bits.

As usual with flash devices, a program operation can only change a 1 bit to a 0 bit. Bits can be reset back to 1 only by an erase operation. A programming operation that attempts to set an already-0 bit to 1 will fail, and result in 0b01 in the low DR bits.

To program a single byte:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • ensure the ISPENABLE bit corresponding to the area being programmed is set

  • shift FPGM into IR

  • shift a value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b10

    • bits 2-9 (data): the data to be programmed

    • bits 10-26 (address): the address to program

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least the time specified in the database for this device

  • shift a neutral value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • all other bits: don’t care

    Verify that the low 2 bits of the value shifted out are 0b11. Any other value is an error.

When more than one byte is to be programmed, the DR shifts can be overlapped — instead of shifting in a neutral DR value when reading back the status, the shift can be used to trigger the second program:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FPGM into IR

  • shift first address + data + control into DR

  • go to RTI for programming time

  • shift second address + data + control into DR, verify low 2 bits of the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for programming time

  • shift third address + data + control into DR, verify low 2 bits of the value shifted out

  • shift neutral value into DR, verify low 2 bits of the value shifted out

When a block of sequential addresses is to be programmed (including programming the whole device), the FPGMI auto-incrementing instruction can be used as follows:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FPGM into IR

  • shift first address + data + control into DR

  • go to RTI for programming time

  • shift FPGMI into IR

  • shift second data + control into DR, ie. shift the following value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b10

    • bits 2-9 (data): second data byte

    Verify low two bits of the value shifted out are 11

  • go to RTI for programming time

  • shift third data + control into DR, verify status

  • go to RTI for programming time

  • shift neutral value (control 0b11) into DR, verify status of the last byte

Since FPGMI skips over invalid addresses when auto-incrementing, the above sequence can be used to program the entire device in one go.

Reading fuses — XC9500

Fuses are read a byte at a time in random-access fashion. The FVFY and FVFYI opcodes are used for reading. A read is triggered by the following sequence:

  1. The DR is written in one of the above opcodes with low two bits set to 0b10

  2. The Run-Test/Idle state is entered

The reads are immediate — they require only one TCK cycle to be spent in the Run-Test/Idle state.

The data is read from the currently set address and placed in the ISPCONFIGURATION / ISPDATA data field. If the FVFYI opcode was used, the address is then auto-incremented to the next valid address in the device.

To read a single byte of fuses:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • ensure the ISPENABLE bit corresponding to the area being read is set

  • shift FVFY into IR

  • shift a value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b10

    • bits 2-9 (data): don’t care

    • bits 10-26 (address): the address to read

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 1 clock

  • shift a neutral value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • all other bits: don’t care

    The data read will be:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11 if operation succeeded (0b10 if error)

    • bits 2-9: the data byte read

    • bits 10-26: the address

When more than one byte is to be read, the DR shifts can be overlapped — instead of shifting in a neutral DR value when reading back the first data byte, the shift can be used to trigger the second read:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FVFY into IR

  • shift first address + control into DR

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift second address + control into DR, grab first data from the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift third address + control into DR, grab second data from the value shifted out

  • shift neutral value into DR, grab final data from the value shifted out

When a block of sequential addresses is to be read (including reading the whole device), the FVFYI auto-incrementing instruction can be used as follows:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FVFY into IR

  • shift first address + control into DR

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift FVFYI into IR

  • shift second control into DR, ie. shift the following value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b10

    • bits 2-9 (data): don’t care

    Grab first data byte from the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift third control into DR, grab second data from the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift neutral value (control 0b11) into DR, grab final data from the value shifted out

Since FVFYI skips over invalid addresses when auto-incrementing, the above sequence can be used to read the entire device in one go.

If any read protection fuse was programmed in the device as of the time of last ISPEN, the device is considered read protected, and most addresses cannot be read (reads from them will return all-1 instead of the actual data). The only readable fuses are:

  • main area fuses, with

  • row in range 0-7

  • bit in range 6-7

This corresponds (roughly) to global configuration bits, including the USERCODE.

Note that read protection remains active until the ISP mode is exited even after the device has been completely erased — for that reason, one should perform ISP mode exit and re-entry after erasing the device.

ISP instructions — XC9500XL/XV

ISP DR registers — XC9500XL/XV

The following DR registers exist on XC9500XL/XV:

  1. ISPENABLE (6 bits): function and contents unclear

  2. ISPCONFIGURATION (18 + num_fbs * 8 bits): used to load and store bitstream words

    • bits 0-1: control

    • 0b11: trigger value, starts the operation

    • 0b01: neutral value and successful result

    • bits 2-(num_sbs * 8 + 1): data word

    • bits (num_fbs * 8 + 2)-(num_fbs * 8 + 17): address

  3. ISPDATA (2 + num_fbs * 8 bits): a subset of ISPCONFIGURATION used by instructions with autoincrementing address

    • bits 0-1: control

    • bits 2-(num_fbs * 8 + 1): data word

  4. ISPADDRESS (18 bits): a subset of ISPCONFIGURATION used by some instructions:

    • bits 0-1: control

    • bits 2-17: address

Entering and exiting ISP mode — XC9500XL/XV

Before any programming or readout can be done, the device needs to be put into ISP mode. For that purpose, the ISPEN or ISPENC instructions can be used. Both instructions use the ISPENABLE register, which is 6 bits long. Its meaning, if any, is unknown.

To enter ISP mode:

  • shift ISPEN or ISPENC into IR

  • shift 0b000101 into DR

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 1 clock

If the ISPEN instruction is used, all outputs will be put in high-Z with weak pull-ups while ISP mode is active. If the ISPENC (“clamp” mode) instruction is used, all output and output enable signals will be snapshotted and outputs will continue driving the last value while ISP mode is active.

To exit ISP mode:

  • shift ISPEX into IR

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 100 µs

When ISP mode is exitted, the device will initialize itself and start normal operation.


verify, see if anything can be figured out about the DR

Blank check — XC9500XL/XV

The blank check (FBLANK) instruction performs a check whether the device is blank (ie. all fuses are 0). It is used as follows:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • shift FBLANK to IR

  • shift the following value to DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • bits 2-17 (address): don’t care

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 500 µs

  • shift a neutral value (low two bits 0b01) into DR, look at the low two bits of the value shifted out:

    • 0b00: device is write protected

    • 0b01: device is blank

    • 0b10: operation interrupted (wait too short)

    • 0b11: device is not blank

Write protection — XC9500XL/XV

If the device is write protected (which can be determined by reading bit 2 of IR), it cannot be written (erased or programmed) without unlocking write protection first.

To unlock write protection:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • shift FERASE or FBULK to IR

  • shift the following value to DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • bits 2-17 (address): 0xaa55

Once that value is shifted in, the device is unlocked, and bit 2 of IR goes to 0. However, this unlock only lasts for the duration of the current ISP mode session — once ISPEX is executed (or the device is reset), the write protection status will be reloaded from the flash.

Erasing fuses — XC9500XL/XV

Like on XC9500, there are two instructions that erase fuses:

  • FERASE: erases one FB at a time

  • FBULK: erases the entire device at once

An erase operation is triggered by the following sequence:

  1. The DR is written in one of the above opcodes with the bottom two bits set to 0b11

  2. The Run-Test/Idle state is entered

Once started, the erase operation is self-timed. The maximum programming time can be obtained from the database. When successful, the low two bits of DR will become 0b11. Note that shifting DR again before the operation is complete will abort it and return 0b10 in the low bits.

To erase fuses:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • shift a value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • bits 2-17 (address):

      • bits 0-11 (row, column): don’t care

      • bits 12-15:

        • for FERASE: FB index

        • for FBULK: don’t care

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least the time specified in the database for this device

  • shift a neutral value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b01

    • all other bits: don’t care

    Verify that the low 2 bits of the value shifted out are 0b01. Any other value is an error. Value 0b10 could mean that the erase was still in progress. Value 0b00 could mean that device is write protected. Other values are unknown.

Programming fuses — XC9500XL/XV

The programming sequence is markedly different from XC9500 — while data is uploaded to the device a word at a time, the actual programming happens a row at a time.

As on XC9500, the opcodes used for programming are FPGM and FPGMI.

The device has a “row buffer”, which stores a row worth of data. Writing to DR with any of the above opcodes will place the data bits into the row buffer, at the position determined by the column encoded in the address.

A program operation will write the entire contents of the row buffer into the array. It is triggered by the following sequence:

  1. The DR is written in one of the above opcodes with the bottom two bits set to 0b11

  2. The Run-Test/Idle state is entered

Once started, the programming operation is self-timed. The maximum programming time depends on the device and can be obtained from the database. When successful, the low two bits of DR will become 0b01. Note that shifting DR again before the operation is complete will abort it and return 0b11 in the low bits.

If the device is write protected, the operation will fail, and 0b00 will be returned in the bottom two bits.

To program a row of data:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • shift FPGM into IR

  • for first 14 columns:

    • shift a value into DR:

      • bits 0-1 (control): 0b01

      • bits 2-… (data): the data to be programmed

      • top 16 bits (address): the address to be programmed

  • for the final column:

    • shift a value into DR:

      • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

      • bits 2-… (data): the data to be programmed

      • top 16 bits (address): the address to be programmed

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least the time specified in the database for this device

  • shift a neutral value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b01

    • all other bits: don’t care

    Verify that the low 2 bits of the value shifted out are 0b01. Any other value is an error.

When more than one row is to be programmed, the final shift can be overlapped with loading the first word of the next row.

When a block of sequential addresses is to be programmed (including programming the whole device), the FPGMI auto-incrementing instruction can be used as follows:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FPGM into IR

  • shift first address + data + 0b01 control into DR (loading first word of first row)

  • shift FPGMI into IR

  • for 13 more words: shift data + 0b01 control into DR

  • for the final word of first row: shift data + 0b11 control into DR

  • go to RTI for programming time

  • for every remaining row:

    • for first 14 words: shift data + 0b01 control into DR; for first word, additionally check result of previous operation

    • for last row: shift data + 0b11 control into DR

    • go to RTI for programming time

  • shift neutral value (control 0b11) into DR, verify status of the last row

Since FPGMI skips over invalid addresses when auto-incrementing, the above sequence can be used to program the entire device in one go.

Reading fuses — XC9500XL/XV

Fuse reading works like on XC9500, except that the array is read a word at a time (a byte from each FB), and the FB index in address is ignored.

The FVFY and FVFYI opcodes are used for reading. A read is triggered by the following sequence:

  1. The DR is written in one of the above opcodes with low two bits set to 0b11

  2. The Run-Test/Idle state is entered

The reads are immediate — they require only one TCK cycle to be spent in the Run-Test/Idle state.

The data is read from the currently set address and placed in the ISPCONFIGURATION / ISPDATA data field. If the FVFYI opcode was used, the address is then auto-incremented to the next valid address in the device.

To read a single word of fuses:

  • enter ISP mode, if not already entered

  • shift FVFY into IR

  • shift a value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • bits 2-… (data): don’t care

    • top 16 bits (address): the address to read

  • go to Run-Test/Idle state for at least 1 clock

  • shift a neutral value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b01

    • all other bits: don’t care

    The data read will be:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b01 if operation succeeded

    • bits 2-… (data): the data word read

    • top 16 bits (address): the address

When more than one word is to be read, the DR shifts can be overlapped — instead of shifting in a neutral DR value when reading back the first data word, the shift can be used to trigger the second read:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FVFY into IR

  • shift first address + control into DR

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift second address + control into DR, grab first data from the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift third address + control into DR, grab second data from the value shifted out

  • shift neutral value into DR, grab final data from the value shifted out

When a block of sequential addresses is to be read (including reading the whole device), the FVFYI auto-incrementing instruction can be used as follows:

  • prepare ISP mode, shift FVFY into IR

  • shift first address + control into DR

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift FVFYI into IR

  • shift second control into DR, ie. shift the following value into DR:

    • bits 0-1 (control): 0b11

    • bits 2-… (data): don’t care

    Grab first data word from the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift third control into DR, grab second data from the value shifted out

  • go to RTI for one clock

  • shift neutral value (control 0b01) into DR, grab final data from the value shifted out

Since FVFYI skips over invalid addresses when auto-incrementing, the above sequence can be used to read the entire device in one go.

If any read protection fuse was programmed in the device as of the time of last ISPEN / ISPENC, the device is considered read protected, and most addresses cannot be read (reads from them will return all-0 instead of the actual data). The only readable fuses are:

  • row in range 0-11

  • bit (within byte) in range 6-7

This corresponds (roughly) to global configuration bits, including the USERCODE.

Note that read protection remains active until the ISP mode is exited even after the device has been completely erased — for that reason, one should perform ISP mode exit and re-entry after erasing the device.

Programming sequence

The programming sequence for XC9500 family devices is as follows:

  1. Shift IDCODE, verify the device matches the bitstream.

  2. Enter ISP mode.

  3. Optionally, perform one of the following (as needed):

    • a blank check

    • an erase operation

      • for old XC9500 devices: run FERASE on each area

      • for non-old XC9500 devices: run FBULK twice, for main areas and UIM wire-AND areas

      • for XC9500XL/XV devices: run FBULK once

    • a write protect override, then an erase operation

  4. If an erase was performed, exit and reenter ISP mode (to clear read protect state).

  5. Perform the main sequence of programming operations: program everything other than read protection, write protection, and DONE fuses.

  6. Optionally, perform verification: read the entire device, verify it matches the programmed data.

  7. Perform a final programming pass, writing the read protection, write protection, and DONE bits (if any).

  8. Exit ISP mode.