Clock interconnect

The dedicated clock interconnect on Virtex 2 includes:

  • the vertical clock spine through the middle of the device, including:
    • the CLKB* tile on the south edge of the device
      • 8 BUFGMUX global buffer primitives (with clock multiplexer functionality)
      • 8 nearby I/O pads are considered "dedicated clock inputs" and have direct connections to the BUFGMUX primitives and DCMs on the same side of the device
      • the DCMs on the same side of the device have direct connections to the BUFGMUX inputs
    • the CLKT* tile on the north edge of the device, with the same contents as CLKB*
    • 2 or more GCLKC* clock distribution tiles
      • each GCLKC* tile has two associated clock regions: west and east
      • each clock region has 8 global clocks
        • each global clock can be driven from the corresponding BUFGMUX in either the CLKB* tile or the CLKT* tile
  • clock distrubution rows, one for each GCLKC* tile, each containing:
    • one GCLKH tile for each interconnect column, containing:
      • clock buffers for the 8 global clocks, for distribution north/south within the column
      • global control signal control
  • DCMCONN* tiles along the south and north edges, one for each DCM and multi-gigabit transceiver, supplying them with inputs from dedicated clock inputs and multiplexing their outputs onto a bus going to the CLKB*/CLKT* tiles
  • 4-12 DCMs, located along the south and north edges, at the ends of the BRAM columns