Device structure


A Coolrunner II device is made of:

  • the AIM (Advanced Interconnect Matrix), which routes MC outputs and input buffer outputs to FB inputs

  • 2-32 FBs (function blocks), each of which has:

    • 40 routable inputs from AIM

    • 56 PTs (product terms) shared between all MCs, most of them having one special function that can be used instead of (or in addition to) being included in MC sum terms:

      • PT4: also known as CTC (control term clock), routable to all register CLK inputs in this FB

      • PT5: also known as CTR (control term reset), routable to all register RST inputs in this FB

      • PT6: also known as CTS (control term set), routable to all register SET inputs in this FB

      • PT7: also known as CTE (control term enable), routable to all output enables in this FB

      • PT{8+i*3}: also known as MC[i].PTA, routable to the given MC’s register RST and SET inputs

      • PT{9+i*3}: also known as MC[i].PTB, routable to the given MC’s IOB output enable

      • PT{10+i*3}: also known as MC[i].PTC, routable to the given MC’s XOR gate and register CLK and CE inputs

    • 16 MCs (macrocells), each of which has:

      • a sum term, including an arbitrary subset of this FB’s PTs

      • a dedicated XOR gate, which can XOR the sum term with PTC (or with 0)

      • optional inverter

      • a register, with:

        • D input tied to either the XOR gate output, or this MC’s input buffer (sidestepping the ZIA)

        • configurable mode, one of: DFF, TFF, D latch, DFF with clock enable

        • clock (or latch gate), freely invertible and routable from FCLK, PTC, CTC

        • async reset, routable from PTA, FSR, CTR, const 0

        • async set, routable from PTA, FSR, CTS, const 0

        • clock enable, routable from PTC

        • configurable dual-edge mode

        • configurable initial value

      • output to AIM, routed either from the XOR gate (combinatorial) or the register’s Q output (registered)

      • IOB (input/output buffer) (on larger devices, not all MCs have an IOB), with:

        • input buffer (routed to AIM and this MC’s register D input), configurable in several modes:

          • CMOS Input

          • Schmitt trigger input

          • differential input (with a per-bank voltage reference)

          • used as voltage reference for this bank

        • output to AIM, routed either from the input buffer or from the MC’s register Q output

        • either combinatorial (from XOR gate) or registered (from register’s Q) output to the output buffer, selectable independently from AIM output

        • output enable, routable from PTB, FOE, CTE, const 0, const 1

        • some special modes (replacing normal output enable mechanism):

          • programmed ground (always-on const-0 output)

          • open drain output

        • configurable slew rate (fast or slow)

        • termination enable (termination mode is selected globally)

        • (on larger devices) individually enabled data gate latch

  • (on larger devices) clock divider

    • if enabled, drives the FCLK2 global net

    • driven by the GCLK2 pad

    • can divide by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

    • has a reset driven directly by the CDRST pad

    • has optional delay [?]

  • global signals

    • 3 FCLK signals, hardwired 1-1 to GCLK pins, except for FCLK2 which can optionally go through the clock divider

    • 4 FOE signals, routable from:

      • the corresponding GOE pad, directly

      • the corresponding GOE pad, inverted

      • MC output

    • 1 FSR signal, freely invertible, driven from GSR pads

    • (on larger devices) 1 DGE signal, driven from DGE pad

  • per-bank configuration

    • input buffer mode (high voltage or low voltage)

    • output buffer mode (high voltage or low voltage)

  • special global configuration bits

    • termination mode

    • global VREF enable

    • global DGE enable

    • 32-bit standard JTAG USERCODE

    • read protection enable

    • DONE bit

AIM and FB inputs


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Product terms


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Sum term, XOR gate


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Macrocell and IOB outputs


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Input/output buffer


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Global networks


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Clock divider


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Bank configuration


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Misc configuration


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