
Virtex 2 is a family of SRAM-based FPGAs, the successor to Virtex.

There are three kinds of Virtex 2 FPGAs:

  • Virtex 2, the base version

  • Virtex 2 Pro, an upgraded version that adds multi-gigabit transceivers and hard PowerPC 405 cores

  • Virtex 2 Pro X, a version of Virtex 2 Pro with faster multi-gigabit transceivers

The Virtex 2 FPGAs feature:

  • a new, fully buffered general interconnect structure

  • a dedicated clock interconnect with 8 global clocks and BUFGMUX primitives with clock multiplexing

  • new configurable logic blocks, derived from the Virtex ones

  • new block RAM tiles, containing:

    • 18-kbit block RAM

    • 18×18 multiplier blocks

  • new input-output tiles, with DDR register and DCI (digitally controlled impedance) support

  • new digital clock managers, a new version of the Virtex DLLs with added frequency synthesis capability

  • corner tiles, with various global bits of logic:

    • BSCAN primitive, allowing access to FPGA fabric via dedicated JTAG instructions

    • JTAGPPC primitive (Virtex 2 Pro), for connecting the PowerPC cores to JTAG

    • STARTUP primitive, controlling the startup process

    • CAPTURE primitive, for user-triggered FF state capture

    • ICAP primitive, allowing access to the internal configuration port

    • PMV primitive, an internal oscillator used for configuration

    • per-IO bank:

      • DCI control blocks

      • LVDS bias generators

  • a tiny bit of hard PCI logic

The Virtex 2 Pro FPGAs additionally feature:

Device table


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